Furthermore, it is unclear when firms must cash out of their treasuries as mandates may call for liquidation over time as opposed to all at once. 除此之外,当公司因强制标准变卖国债兑现时,公司也有可能分期分批兑现,而不是一次性兑现。
You think you can just throw some cash at us, huh? We'll forget everything, call it a day? 你以为你施舍点钱就行了么?我们就什么都忘记了,打完收工到此为止?
When the government prints up cash and swaps it out for bonds, we call that expansionary monetary policy. 当政府印刷钞票、然后用其换取债券时,我们称之为扩张性货币政策。
Yet the cash flow problem was not his only close call. 然而现金流问题并不是他的唯一“命门”。
She might prefer to give him the cash and call it square. 她也许可把钱还给他,从而了结这笔人情债。
Xstrata proved as much with a cheeky cash call last month. xstrata上月厚脸皮的筹资举动,就证明了这一点。
SocGen said it was following market conditions closely, a statement that could pave the way for a cash call. 法国兴业银行表示,正密切关注市场状况,这一声明可能为其融资铺平道路。
The UK-based emerging markets bank could announce the plan as early as this week, according to people close to the cash call. 据接近此事的人士透露,总部位于英国、业务遍及新兴市场的渣打银行最早将于本周宣布配股计划。
I know you're not at home with a bag of cash, waiting for me to call you. 我知道你不是在家拿着一袋子钱,等我打电话。
When it prints up cash and bonds and swaps them for risky private financial assets or guarantees private assets, we call that banking policy. 当政府印刷钞票和发行债券,然后用其换取高风险私人金融资产或担保私人资产时,我们称之为银行业政策。
Under the process of the Chinese banking industry opening to the outside world, reducing cash escort operation cost that bring to bank and concentrating manpower and materials on the bank staple, become the domestic bank common call. 在中国银行业对外开放进程的推动下,降低现钞押运给银行带来的运营成本、集中人力物力从事银行主业,成为国内银行共同的呼声。